Yum Factor Book + Workbook

Yum Factor Book + Workbook
The Yum Factor Book and Workbook are now being sold as a package at a discounted price. Now you can use both resources side by side, choosing to continue with the assignments in the Workbook after completing each chapter in the Yum Factor: Changing Your Attitude Toward Food and Fitness.
The Yum Factor Book:
In this inspiring book, Jeanine Barone and Lisa Natoli show you how to change your attitude to food and fitness, by becoming more aware of your thoughts, and the choices you make every day, helping you find the motivation to enjoy eating healthfully and to live a vibrant, active life, full of play, wonder and curiosity. This is Lisa’s successful journey following the Jeanine’s cognitive behavioral coaching strategies.. You won't find anything about weighing/measuring food nor any prescription of what foods you should or shouldn't eat, nor any special exercise program or fitness equipment that you should use or rely on. Rather, this is a book that appears to have a simple message: it's a new way to think. Though it seems simple, it requires work. But unlike all the typical weight loss strategies, this one works not just on the short term but over a lifetime. Continue on your journey to a new, healthier you with the Yum Factor Workbook.. The chapters of the Workbook follow exactly the chapters of The Yum Factor, offering suggested activities as well as proposing thoughtful questions to be answered. By performing the recommended activities and being thorough in your answers to the questions, you should gain insights into moving forward with the core tenets of the text.
The Yum Factor Workbook:
The Yum Factor isn’t a diet book, nor is it a fitness book. It’s a book that provides strategies for taming the mind. And, as a result, the pounds will come off, you’ll become physically fit and in control of your thoughts, motivations and actions. Basically, it’s a cognitive-behavioral approach to food and fitness.
This workbook allows you to practice and apply what you learn in the book, teaching you how to listen to your body, determine what it needs and then love it in the best way possible. Finding your own personal Yum Factor is the first step toward living a vibrant life filled with joy.
The chapters of the Workbook follow exactly the chapters of The Yum Factor, offering suggested activities as well as proposing thoughtful questions to be answered. By performing the recommended activities and being thorough in your answers to the questions, you should gain insights into moving forward with the core tenets of the text.